Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Roses are red,
violets are blue
I have a big head
and my feet smell like shrimp...

anyway, i sincerely hope that everyone's day has been better than mine.
in fact, i sincerely hope that everyone's life is better than mine.
i hope you are not failing classes, i hope you are not heartbroken, i hope that you all still have dreams and aspirations and still see the world with wide eyes.
and i hope that your children are NOT born with webbed feet or with 5 legs...that would seriously suck.

so the following is a list of 15 ways to annoy people in no particular order.
have fun.
take this list and really...but seriously now....

15 Amazing Ways to Annoy the SHIT out of People:
1. purchase a hairdryer. then sit outside of your house and point it at passing cars.
2. change your tv channels ever 3 seconds.
3. set appointments or dates with people for February 29th
4. wear clothes that are ONLY in the color PUCE
5. pay restaurants and clothing stores with a different currency (i.e. yen)
6. pay for things ONLY in change...pennies preferable
7. become a hermit
8. talk to yourself around other people
9. go to Wendy's and order a Big Mac
10. chain yourself to your roommate's bed
11. instead of taking notes in your classes, bring a large canvas and paints and make an abstract painting of the notes
12. boil ice cream
13. befriend non-living objects (desks, chairs, cups, etc)
14. make up your own religion and make your church a bathroom
15. get invited to a party and then bring 30+ people to it

have fun registering for classes, ya'll.
eat a whale for breakfast,