Monday, November 10, 2008


hello to all:
so this week has been off to a pretty decent start -for one thing, i decided to attend 3 of my 4 classes for today.
i decided that i do indeed want to invest in another tattoo...but i lack the $$$ and the discipline to save up for one.

but enough about me -there are more important things in sloth skeletons...or old halloween candy...or toenails.
yes, definately toenails.

also, has anyone had their daily dose of earwax today?

so after much thought and numerous episodes of That's So Raven (one of the best tv shows to ever come out of the Disney Channel), i have decided upon the new theme for this week.
are you ready?
are you excited?!
it's going to be amazing.
it's going to make you pee in your pants.
it's going to end world hunger.
it's going to end the war in the middle east.
it's going to make milk taste like your favorite alcoholic beverage!

are you ready?

how about now?

still ready?

drum rollllll.....

haha okay, really.


how to what?!
how to be cool?
how to be a hermit?
how to make a love potion?

find out this week!!!

go eat whales in peace,