Roses are red,
violets are blue
I have a big head
and my feet smell like shrimp...
anyway, i sincerely hope that everyone's day has been better than mine.
in fact, i sincerely hope that everyone's life is better than mine.
i hope you are not failing classes, i hope you are not heartbroken, i hope that you all still have dreams and aspirations and still see the world with wide eyes.
and i hope that your children are NOT born with webbed feet or with 5 legs...that would seriously suck.
so the following is a list of 15 ways to annoy people in no particular order.
have fun.
take this list and really...but seriously now....
15 Amazing Ways to Annoy the SHIT out of People:
1. purchase a hairdryer. then sit outside of your house and point it at passing cars.
2. change your tv channels ever 3 seconds.
3. set appointments or dates with people for February 29th
4. wear clothes that are ONLY in the color PUCE
5. pay restaurants and clothing stores with a different currency (i.e. yen)
6. pay for things ONLY in change...pennies preferable
7. become a hermit
8. talk to yourself around other people
9. go to Wendy's and order a Big Mac
10. chain yourself to your roommate's bed
11. instead of taking notes in your classes, bring a large canvas and paints and make an abstract painting of the notes
12. boil ice cream
13. befriend non-living objects (desks, chairs, cups, etc)
14. make up your own religion and make your church a bathroom
15. get invited to a party and then bring 30+ people to it
have fun registering for classes, ya'll.
eat a whale for breakfast,
Monday, November 10, 2008
hello to all:
so this week has been off to a pretty decent start -for one thing, i decided to attend 3 of my 4 classes for today.
i decided that i do indeed want to invest in another tattoo...but i lack the $$$ and the discipline to save up for one.
but enough about me -there are more important things in sloth skeletons...or old halloween candy...or toenails.
yes, definately toenails.
also, has anyone had their daily dose of earwax today?
so after much thought and numerous episodes of That's So Raven (one of the best tv shows to ever come out of the Disney Channel), i have decided upon the new theme for this week.
are you ready?
are you excited?!
it's going to be amazing.
it's going to make you pee in your pants.
it's going to end world hunger.
it's going to end the war in the middle east.
it's going to make milk taste like your favorite alcoholic beverage!
are you ready?
how about now?
still ready?
drum rollllll.....
haha okay, really.
how to what?!
how to be cool?
how to be a hermit?
how to make a love potion?
find out this week!!!
go eat whales in peace,
so this week has been off to a pretty decent start -for one thing, i decided to attend 3 of my 4 classes for today.
i decided that i do indeed want to invest in another tattoo...but i lack the $$$ and the discipline to save up for one.
but enough about me -there are more important things in sloth skeletons...or old halloween candy...or toenails.
yes, definately toenails.
also, has anyone had their daily dose of earwax today?
so after much thought and numerous episodes of That's So Raven (one of the best tv shows to ever come out of the Disney Channel), i have decided upon the new theme for this week.
are you ready?
are you excited?!
it's going to be amazing.
it's going to make you pee in your pants.
it's going to end world hunger.
it's going to end the war in the middle east.
it's going to make milk taste like your favorite alcoholic beverage!
are you ready?
how about now?
still ready?
drum rollllll.....
haha okay, really.
how to what?!
how to be cool?
how to be a hermit?
how to make a love potion?
find out this week!!!
go eat whales in peace,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
hello all -
well it's saturday night and that means that it's WEEKLY ROUND-UP!
weekly roundup is the name that i now just came up with to sum up the week's weekly happenings. actually, these are just more suggested bands, films, restaurants, polaroids, anything else i feel like putting in here.
trust me, follow what i write in here and your Cool Level will increase by 94328048239057203948%...and that's a lot.
Band of the Week -Frog Eyes
Film of the Week -"Cash Back"
Book of the Week -"Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke
Quote of the Week -"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am." ---Sylvia Plath
Polaroid of the Week -
"Gypsies on 6th Street"
well it's saturday night and that means that it's WEEKLY ROUND-UP!
weekly roundup is the name that i now just came up with to sum up the week's weekly happenings. actually, these are just more suggested bands, films, restaurants, polaroids, anything else i feel like putting in here.
trust me, follow what i write in here and your Cool Level will increase by 94328048239057203948%...and that's a lot.
Band of the Week -Frog Eyes
Film of the Week -"Cash Back"
Book of the Week -"Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke
Quote of the Week -"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am." ---Sylvia Plath
Polaroid of the Week -

***By the way, these polaroids of the week so far are going to be from my own polaroid collection. If you would like to submit polaroids for Weekly Roundup, you can sumbit them to me in person or send scans of them to
until next time,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Shalom, dear readers -
Devons nous vraiment mangor mon patalon dons vos reves les plus fous?
....which by the way means "Do we really have to eat my pants in your wildest dreams?"
So just in case you decided to go on some crazy acid trip during the last 24 hours, Barack Obama is set to be America's 44th President starting January 20, 2008.
pro-Barack? -Hooray! Score one for the Democrats! YES YOU DID!
anti-Barack? -This is America; start a revolution. Also, take great pleasure in the fact that one day you are going to die so it doesn't really matter anyway.
One a more civil note,
i'm sure that you all will be happy to know that according to Western Union, the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." uses EVERY SINGLE LETTER IN THE AMERICAN ALPHABET.
Also, math is simply dazzling. See the example below.
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
And that's pretty much all you need to know in this life.
But back to more serious matters... hooray for Barack being president and all, but until he is actually in office and making changes for America, I'm still broke as fuck.
You all are still broke as fuck.
All of my unborn children are broke as fuck.
Let's face it.
You can't afford rent.
You can't afford to take shits because you have no toilet paper.
You wonder how you're going to pay for school next semester.
You can't afford to shop pricy places (i.e. American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, etc.) unless you have Daddy's credit card or steal...both of which are NOT good for your karma.
I may not be able to solve your toiletry needs (and believe me, I'm working on it), but I CAN solve your fashion and food needs.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Rebirth of Thrift.
Here are some pretty sweet and cheap places around the Austin/St. Edward's area that will save you lots of $$$.
That way you'll have more $$$ for your Adderal, codine, marijuana, alcohol, or whatever else you Fucks decide to buy.
And by "Fucks," I mean the most handsome, prettiest, cream-of-the-crop people that Austin/UT/St.Edwards/wherever produces.
You'll thank me later.
The Rebirth of Thrift:
1.Family Thrift Center
208 E. Oltorf St.
Austin, TX 78704
It's cheap, right down the street from St. Eds, AND they almost ALWAYS have at least two polaroid cameras for sale (POLAROID LOVERS UNITE!)
2.Thrift Land
512 W. Stassney Lane
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 12pm-5pm
This store's name definately does not lie -it really is a land of thrift treasures. There is so much in the store that you may want to bring some water because there is a chance of extreme overwhelness (is that even a word?) Oh yeah, there's a lot of designer purses and dresses hidden in the forests of clotheshangers.
4001 S. Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm, Sun 10am-6pm
Some argue that Savers smells like old piss, but that shouldn't stop you from shopping there and checking out the amazing clothes it has to offer. Many an indie-kid have found amazing dresses and boots from this urine-smelling cove. And I'm pretty sure you've smelled worse.
4.Treasure City Thrift
1720 E. 12th St.
(between Comal and Chicon)
Austin, TX blahblahblah
Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-6pm
The only way I have to tell you about the amazingness of this place is just simply that you HAVE to go there. It's amazing. It smells like your grandma's bathroom. It's volunteer-run AND non-profit. You could probably buy the whole store and everything in it for under $100.
5.Buffalo Exchange
2904 Guadalupe St.
Austin, TX 78705
Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm, Sun 12pm-7pm
I know, I know. Buffalo prices aren't the cheapest in the world. In fact, I go there mostly to try and sell clothes to make $$$. After that I'll see if there's anything worth buying. The good thing about Buffalo Exchange is that if they buy your clothes/accessories/shoes, they give 35% in trade and 25% for them in cash.
Go to various thrift stores and look for desinger clothing or things that you think Buffalo Exchange will buy from you. You buy your thrift finds for a cheap price, and if Buffalo Exchange buys them from you, chances are they will sell it for a lot higher than the $10.00 TOTAL that you spent buying them. DING DING DINGGGG THAT MEANS YOU MAKE A PROFIT BECAUSE YOU BRAVED THE SMELL OF YOUR GRANDMA'S BATHROOM.
It's not rocket science, kids.
As for finding cheap places to eat, Wendy's is always a good choice because of the dollar menu.
Also, try eating at only local restaurants or local food companies. A lot of times local businesses sell food at cheap prices, so for all you "unique" trendsetters out there, this is a good thing.
A fairly popular little pizza shop on Guadalupe Street ALSO sells pizza for VERY cheap.
In fact, Slices and Ices is one of the cheapest places on the Drag to eat. They also sell ICE CREAM CONES for 0.99.
Not to mention that a little lady by the name of Yours Truly works there.
Come by while I'm working and I'll give you free food.
Score for the foodless.
And the poor college student.
And Jesus.
Yes, definately Jesus.
until next time,
Devons nous vraiment mangor mon patalon dons vos reves les plus fous?
....which by the way means "Do we really have to eat my pants in your wildest dreams?"
So just in case you decided to go on some crazy acid trip during the last 24 hours, Barack Obama is set to be America's 44th President starting January 20, 2008.
pro-Barack? -Hooray! Score one for the Democrats! YES YOU DID!
anti-Barack? -This is America; start a revolution. Also, take great pleasure in the fact that one day you are going to die so it doesn't really matter anyway.
One a more civil note,
i'm sure that you all will be happy to know that according to Western Union, the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." uses EVERY SINGLE LETTER IN THE AMERICAN ALPHABET.
Also, math is simply dazzling. See the example below.
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
And that's pretty much all you need to know in this life.
But back to more serious matters... hooray for Barack being president and all, but until he is actually in office and making changes for America, I'm still broke as fuck.
You all are still broke as fuck.
All of my unborn children are broke as fuck.
Let's face it.
You can't afford rent.
You can't afford to take shits because you have no toilet paper.
You wonder how you're going to pay for school next semester.
You can't afford to shop pricy places (i.e. American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, etc.) unless you have Daddy's credit card or steal...both of which are NOT good for your karma.
I may not be able to solve your toiletry needs (and believe me, I'm working on it), but I CAN solve your fashion and food needs.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Rebirth of Thrift.
Here are some pretty sweet and cheap places around the Austin/St. Edward's area that will save you lots of $$$.
That way you'll have more $$$ for your Adderal, codine, marijuana, alcohol, or whatever else you Fucks decide to buy.
And by "Fucks," I mean the most handsome, prettiest, cream-of-the-crop people that Austin/UT/St.Edwards/wherever produces.
You'll thank me later.
The Rebirth of Thrift:
1.Family Thrift Center
208 E. Oltorf St.
Austin, TX 78704
It's cheap, right down the street from St. Eds, AND they almost ALWAYS have at least two polaroid cameras for sale (POLAROID LOVERS UNITE!)
2.Thrift Land
512 W. Stassney Lane
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 12pm-5pm
This store's name definately does not lie -it really is a land of thrift treasures. There is so much in the store that you may want to bring some water because there is a chance of extreme overwhelness (is that even a word?) Oh yeah, there's a lot of designer purses and dresses hidden in the forests of clotheshangers.
4001 S. Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm, Sun 10am-6pm
Some argue that Savers smells like old piss, but that shouldn't stop you from shopping there and checking out the amazing clothes it has to offer. Many an indie-kid have found amazing dresses and boots from this urine-smelling cove. And I'm pretty sure you've smelled worse.
4.Treasure City Thrift
1720 E. 12th St.
(between Comal and Chicon)
Austin, TX blahblahblah
Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-6pm
The only way I have to tell you about the amazingness of this place is just simply that you HAVE to go there. It's amazing. It smells like your grandma's bathroom. It's volunteer-run AND non-profit. You could probably buy the whole store and everything in it for under $100.
5.Buffalo Exchange
2904 Guadalupe St.
Austin, TX 78705
Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm, Sun 12pm-7pm
I know, I know. Buffalo prices aren't the cheapest in the world. In fact, I go there mostly to try and sell clothes to make $$$. After that I'll see if there's anything worth buying. The good thing about Buffalo Exchange is that if they buy your clothes/accessories/shoes, they give 35% in trade and 25% for them in cash.
Go to various thrift stores and look for desinger clothing or things that you think Buffalo Exchange will buy from you. You buy your thrift finds for a cheap price, and if Buffalo Exchange buys them from you, chances are they will sell it for a lot higher than the $10.00 TOTAL that you spent buying them. DING DING DINGGGG THAT MEANS YOU MAKE A PROFIT BECAUSE YOU BRAVED THE SMELL OF YOUR GRANDMA'S BATHROOM.
It's not rocket science, kids.
As for finding cheap places to eat, Wendy's is always a good choice because of the dollar menu.
Also, try eating at only local restaurants or local food companies. A lot of times local businesses sell food at cheap prices, so for all you "unique" trendsetters out there, this is a good thing.
A fairly popular little pizza shop on Guadalupe Street ALSO sells pizza for VERY cheap.
In fact, Slices and Ices is one of the cheapest places on the Drag to eat. They also sell ICE CREAM CONES for 0.99.
Not to mention that a little lady by the name of Yours Truly works there.
Come by while I'm working and I'll give you free food.
Score for the foodless.
And the poor college student.
And Jesus.
Yes, definately Jesus.
until next time,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Welcome, Unsuspecting Reader.
Firstly: Feet
Second: Unicorns
Thrid: This week's blog theme is "Surviving College."
If you are like most normal people, right about now school is sucking and you have nothing done and you can't study because you can't concentrate because you're on your period because you're human and because you're human you don't have anything done.
Instead of spending that precious money for doses of Adderall, find a quite place where you are comfortable, relaxed, and focused.
Contary to popular belief, places like this exist.
So for your personal use and pleasure, I am providing a list of numerous locations that are perfect for those intense study sessions and late night food cravings:
1. This one's pretty obvious: Scarborough-Phillips Library @ St. Edward's University
3001 South Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
This two-story library is the perfect Nerd Haven. There are plenty of comfy chairs to sit on, plenty of secret spaces to study, Wi-Fi, and many familiar St. Edward's faces.
Plus, Meadows Coffeehouse is about 300 steps away to satisfy all of those late night caffiene cravings.
2. Garden District Coffe House
2810 South Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78704
This coffee house right across the street from St. Edward's University. There are plenty of tables to sit at and a variety of delicious food to order if you're hungry. Not to mention the endless amounts of coffee.
3.Green Muse Cafe
519 W. Oltorf
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-Midnight; Sat-Sun, 9am-Midnight
This is actually my favorite place to study. The atmosphere is very laid back and mysterious, there's free Wi-Fi, lots of tables to sit at, you can smoke on the patio, and there are so many options of teas and drinks that a good portion of your time spent there will be deciding what to order.
4.Jo's Coffee Shop
1300 South Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
This hip, little shop is located in the heart of SoCo. Jo's has everything you need for a good study sesssion -coffee, good food, and free Wi-Fi. Plus, you get to sit outside and watch the cars and people go by. Oh yeah, your pets can chill and study with you.
5. Dominican Joe Coffee Shop
515 South Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: 6:30am - Midnight (7am on the weekends)
The popularity of this coffee shop has grown since I first heard of it. Located at Congress and Riverside, there's a lot of parking and a lot places to sit, free Wi-Fi, laidback atmosphere, and of course: good coffee and pastries.
Studying has never been made this fun!!!
Sweet Shows this week I Recommend:
- Thurs, Nov. 6 MICKEY AVALON @ Emo's
-Fri, Nov. 7 CALEXICO & THE ACORN @ Antone's
-Sat/Sun, Nov. 8-9 FUN FUN FUN FEST @ Waterloo Park
-Sat, Nov. 8 THE LEGENDARY PINK DOTS @ Stubb's
Firstly: Feet
Second: Unicorns
Thrid: This week's blog theme is "Surviving College."
If you are like most normal people, right about now school is sucking and you have nothing done and you can't study because you can't concentrate because you're on your period because you're human and because you're human you don't have anything done.
Instead of spending that precious money for doses of Adderall, find a quite place where you are comfortable, relaxed, and focused.
Contary to popular belief, places like this exist.
So for your personal use and pleasure, I am providing a list of numerous locations that are perfect for those intense study sessions and late night food cravings:
1. This one's pretty obvious: Scarborough-Phillips Library @ St. Edward's University
3001 South Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
This two-story library is the perfect Nerd Haven. There are plenty of comfy chairs to sit on, plenty of secret spaces to study, Wi-Fi, and many familiar St. Edward's faces.
Plus, Meadows Coffeehouse is about 300 steps away to satisfy all of those late night caffiene cravings.
2. Garden District Coffe House
2810 South Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78704
This coffee house right across the street from St. Edward's University. There are plenty of tables to sit at and a variety of delicious food to order if you're hungry. Not to mention the endless amounts of coffee.
3.Green Muse Cafe
519 W. Oltorf
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-Midnight; Sat-Sun, 9am-Midnight
This is actually my favorite place to study. The atmosphere is very laid back and mysterious, there's free Wi-Fi, lots of tables to sit at, you can smoke on the patio, and there are so many options of teas and drinks that a good portion of your time spent there will be deciding what to order.
4.Jo's Coffee Shop
1300 South Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
This hip, little shop is located in the heart of SoCo. Jo's has everything you need for a good study sesssion -coffee, good food, and free Wi-Fi. Plus, you get to sit outside and watch the cars and people go by. Oh yeah, your pets can chill and study with you.
5. Dominican Joe Coffee Shop
515 South Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
Hours: 6:30am - Midnight (7am on the weekends)
The popularity of this coffee shop has grown since I first heard of it. Located at Congress and Riverside, there's a lot of parking and a lot places to sit, free Wi-Fi, laidback atmosphere, and of course: good coffee and pastries.
Studying has never been made this fun!!!
Sweet Shows this week I Recommend:
- Thurs, Nov. 6 MICKEY AVALON @ Emo's
-Fri, Nov. 7 CALEXICO & THE ACORN @ Antone's
-Sat/Sun, Nov. 8-9 FUN FUN FUN FEST @ Waterloo Park
-Sat, Nov. 8 THE LEGENDARY PINK DOTS @ Stubb's
Monday, November 3, 2008
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 +9 +10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 +16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 = 666
It has certainly been awhile since anyone has written anything in blogs worth reading.
Shit in America has hit the fan, we are on the brink of MAJOR change within this country no matter who ends up being our new president, and reality television rules the air waves.
Enter the mentally unstable and unpredictable Anti-hero Sarah Elizabeth.
I don't give a shit about your problems and deepest-darkest secrets; I don't expect you to give a shit about mine.
Those kinds of topics were meant for paper and not the Web.
This blog is about nothing.
This blog is also about everything...everything that has to do with surviving in Austin, that is.
This blog is what you will read when you're bored, when you're tired of life, and when you're tired of facebook.
This is the blog that you will never admit to reading.
This is the blog you've been waiting for.
Okay, so maybe this blog isn't any of the above statements; this blog was concieved as the result of severe boredom and apathy towards numerous things, ideas, and people.
This isn't anything personal -just some interesting distractions.
We'll go from pubic hair to Hinduism and from interesting books to sexual pickup lines.
We'll have weekly themes and recommended readings.
We'll have anti-hipster forums and walk on the moon.
So whether you end up reading this blog because you're bored or you end up being bored because you read this blog, jump on the bandwagon. Read the Bible. Join the Renaissance.
It has certainly been awhile since anyone has written anything in blogs worth reading.
Shit in America has hit the fan, we are on the brink of MAJOR change within this country no matter who ends up being our new president, and reality television rules the air waves.
Enter the mentally unstable and unpredictable Anti-hero Sarah Elizabeth.
I don't give a shit about your problems and deepest-darkest secrets; I don't expect you to give a shit about mine.
Those kinds of topics were meant for paper and not the Web.
This blog is about nothing.
This blog is also about everything...everything that has to do with surviving in Austin, that is.
This blog is what you will read when you're bored, when you're tired of life, and when you're tired of facebook.
This is the blog that you will never admit to reading.
This is the blog you've been waiting for.
Okay, so maybe this blog isn't any of the above statements; this blog was concieved as the result of severe boredom and apathy towards numerous things, ideas, and people.
This isn't anything personal -just some interesting distractions.
We'll go from pubic hair to Hinduism and from interesting books to sexual pickup lines.
We'll have weekly themes and recommended readings.
We'll have anti-hipster forums and walk on the moon.
So whether you end up reading this blog because you're bored or you end up being bored because you read this blog, jump on the bandwagon. Read the Bible. Join the Renaissance.
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