It's that time again, Readers!
Sorry this post is so late...I've been ever so busy
much love!
Indie Film of the Week:.jpg)
"Pope Dreams"
Directed by Patrick Hogan
Starring Phillip Vaden, Marnette Patterson, & Julie Haggerty
Not gonna lie; this movie made me cry (hey, that rhymed!). It's a lovely movie about a boy who graduated from high school and is trying to raise money to take his sick mother to the Vatican so that the pope can bless her (his mom has cancel and is dying). At the same time he meets a girl who didn't intend to fall for him because she has some secrets of her own. There's even a twist at the end that will leave you loving this movie!
Foreign Film of the Week:
Directed by Zhang Yang
Starring Jia Hongshen, Jia Fengsen, & Chai Xiurong
This movie is a true gem -it's based on a true story and follows that life of Jia Hongshen, a famous actor in China as he goes through fame, depression, and drug addiction. All of the actorsin the movie play themselves in real life, and the movie shows both sides of what happens from Jia's perspective and the people that come and go in his life.
Documentary of the Week:
"Bowling for Columbine"
Directed by Michael Moore
This documentary is pretty long (clocking in a whopping 2 1/2 hours), but it is well worth it and a necessary video for all Americans (or anyone) to see. Basically, Michael Moore and his crew go around America and Canada finding out the origin of guns and gun violence. Then he applies his knowlegde to gun violence today. Go rent this movie and watch it -whether you love it or hate it, it will challenge you to think about American culture.
Indie Band of the Week:
Coconut Records
Why does the voice of this solo project sound familiar? Because this happens to be Phantom Planet's drummer Jason Shwartzman's solo effort, and this effort is an amazing musical experience for everyone. In fact, Coconut Records just released a new album called "Davy." Go buy it and listen to "Microphone" and "Saint Jerome." They (along with the whole album) will leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling as well as a craving for more!

For all You Bookworms:
"It's Kind of a Funny Story"
By Ned Vizzini
I read this book in high school and let me tell you -it is relatable to pretty much everyone as they go throught the pressures and events of high school and even all of life. This book follows the story of Craig Gilner, who is a perfectionist trying to ecxel in school so succeed in life. But when he gets into a very prestigious high school, he becomes depressed, stresseed, and nearly kills himself. He then checks himself into a mental hospital in New York where he meets a whole motley crew of different people with stories of their own. He is then able to start dealing with his own problems and comes out better than ever. A must-read!
Polaroid of the Week:
"Fight for Your Right"
until next time, sarahhhh